As part of the Opportunity Appalachia Grant that Burke River Trail Association received for the Old Glory Mill, Beth Heile was invited to a three day Local Developer Forum in Charleston, West Virginia.

Recipients of the grant were able to learn from a host of speakers and each other on a range of topics including Historic Tax Credits, Capital Stack, Community Banks, Building Small, and Telling your Story. In addition, each grant recipient gave a Pechakucha Presentation (3 slides in 36 seconds) about their project to work on their elevator pitch.
Jim Heid was the leader of the Forum. Jim is an infill developer and development advisor based in Sonoma County, California. Known for his aspirational but practical approach, he works with a range of tools and best practices to communicate the value of inspired design and sustainability within the realities of market norms. Though the November Forum was just for grant recipients, he has forums open to the public.

One idea that Beth brought back from Build Small is this development of 12 homes on 1.2 acres. Learn more at RiverHouse