Burke River Trail Association is excited to release the new logo for the trail and the association. Destination by Design was chosen from several area firms as the best to work on the logo and trail signage.

A design committee made up of Burke River Trail Association Board Members starting in August working with DbD staff on the branding. First up was the trail name. The Burke River Trail follows the Catawba River and will stretch across Burke County when completed. From the early days, the name has been Burke River Trail (a trail along the river in Burke County). DbD wanted to explore with the committee if they wanted to stick with the name – and the answer was Yes!

Next, DbD presented four theme ideas – focus on Towns, focus on Trail, focus on River, or something a little different. Since nine towns are hard to put in a logo, the trail is just about downtowns as it is about trail on the ground and the trail is not on the river the entire route, the committee wanted something different.

The association will have its own mark. As a 501c3, the organization is more than just getting trail on the ground. It is about building stronger communities through connections, economic development and education.