Category Post

Passenger Train

Burke River Trail Association’s main focus is getting trail on the ground to provide economic development opportunities in eastern Burke County. With supporting economic drivers as a goal – we follow, get involved and promote all opportunities. We are making…

Old Glory Mill – Trail and More

BRTA President Beth Heile was selected to be a part of the Mountain Bizworks Investment Framers Cohort. Participants were chosen from the 25 counties in western NC to learn how to spot an opportunity, put together stakeholders, find funding and…

Burke Trails Summit

Staying in your own lane is not conducive for getting trail on the ground. With over two hundred miles of trail on the ground in Burke County and many more miles planned, the nonprofits, agencies and local governments that are…

Trail Public Input Meetings

Finding the route for a public trail takes a lot of planning and input. From where beautiful sections are located to where there are willing landowners. To find that perfect path, 7 public input meetings were held from February to…

Trail on Private Land

How does public trail end up on a private landowner’s property? Through a trail easement agreement that is recorded with the property deed. The following information will help a landowner know a little more about the process and help with…

Crime on Trails

A frequent question when discussing trails along individual homeowners’ properties is about crime on trails. Studies show that is not a problem. Self-Policing –  Trails & Greenways attract local residents who use the facility frequently and randomly Decrease Crime –…

Wildcat Way

While the Valdese Greenway is the first 2 miles of Burke River Trail on the ground, Wildcat Way is the first section build specifically to extend and to be a part of the Burke River Trail. First the school board…

Rocky Ford – Where it all Comes Together

Partnerships make trails happen and Rocky Ford access in Morganton is the perfect location to showcase partnerships in action. Members the nonprofit, business and local government worlds came together to tell the story with a Hike & Learn. The event…

Wildlife Official Visits Burke River Trail Sites

Ashton Godwin, Legislative Liaison with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), spent a day away from his Raleigh office touring water access sites located along a planned regional pedestrian trail in Burke County. Rep Hugh Blackwell had several meetings in…

Burke River Trail at a Glance

One page says it all – Trail Coordinator Beth Heile created this graphic to explain the trail in one page. She also has a complete slide show and is available to present at meetings of civic groups, local governments and…

BCPS Property

Burke County Public School Board of Education (BCPS BOE) owns acreage along the corridor in Valdese north of Draughn High School (DHS). In a meeting at the school, stakeholders discussed the options for the trail to cross the property. One…

Morganton – Grace Ridge Meeting

Steps are continuing to plan the Burke River Trail from the end of the Fonta Flora State Trail (end of the Morganton Greenway) to the north side of Grace Ridge. An MOU is being prepared to allow City of Morganton…

Morganton – Waste Water Area

Trail enthusiast Bryant Lindsey took BRTA President Beth Heile on a tour of the Morganton Waste Water Plant Property and the Skeet Range. It seems going south of the Skeet Range is the safest option!

Public Input Meeting

After 3 zoom meetings and 10 site visits, the proposed Catawba River Trail Corridor was revealed at a drop in public input meeting at the outdoor Pavilion behind Connelly Springs Town Hall. Attendees reviewed the maps, discussed the routes and…

River Cleanup

Volunteers with Catawba River Wildlife Coalition and Friends of the Valdese Rec participated in the Catawba Riversweep on Saturday by cleaning the river from Rocky Ford Access to Huffman Bridge. The 10 volunteers collected 10 bags of trash along the…

Vulcan, Connelly Springs, Long View

The planning team for the Catawba River Trail (former working title – Burke River Trail) met with a surprising partner on Wednesday. Vulcan Materials Company owns property on the river in Morganton which would provide about one-half mile of trail…

Rhodhiss and Hildebran

The Burke River Trail town tour continues had stops in Rhodhiss and Hildebran this week. On Monday, Representative Blackwell, FVR President Beth Heile and representatives from Western Piedmont Council of Governments (WPCOG) got a tour of Town of Rhodhiss from…

Rutherford College on Board

After Rutherford College Mayor Gary McClure and Town Manager Kenneth Geathers met with planners from Western Piedmont Council of Governments (WPCOG) to learn more, they are on board with what the trail will bring to Rutherford College.

Morganton and Drexel

Morganton City Manager Sally Sandy was more than ready for the visit from the Burke River Trail planning team which included Representative Blackwell, Western Piedmont Council of Governments (WPCOG) GIS Analyst Todd Stroupe and Beth Heile. The City of Morganton…

WPCOG Assistance

In April, 2020, Western Piedmont Council of Government (WPCOG) committed to a feasibility study for the Burke Catawba River Trail. Beth Heile met with WPCOG Planners Alison Adams and John Wear to create a list of stakeholders and developed starting…